Thursday, September 10, 2009

President Obama’s speech was inspiring when he stated that the future of the country rested on young people, and when he said that everyone had something they were good at, but they might not know it until they do it for school. This was interesting to me, because it put school in the light of a place to discover what your talents are, rather than a place to learn boring facts about numbers and letters and words and people that died a billion years ago. It was very interesting.
The goals that president Obama inspired me to set this year are to complete the most classes I can get college credit for, so I can get those out of the way, to never move to Hawaii for more than a year, because it might make me want to go to law school, and to take up as many opportunities as I can to play with other people and for other people. I also want to look at colleges in a more realistic way, and try to narrow down the list of schools I want to go to.
Some great things I might like to do with my life would definitely have to do with music in some form. Sometime in my life, I want to do an extensive study on music and be able to understand fully what’s going on in the most complicated pieces, and to hopefully progress that science. The end result, then, would be able to inspire other guitarists (and all musicians) with my music.

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